Wednesday, January 21, 2009


Dear brothers and sister in Christ,

How good it is to share the progress of our ministry with you. It surely is a great joy to us! The fencing wall around the campus is built and we are just working on the final details of it while we are getting ourselves prepared to start with the remodeling of the main building which will be sheltering the children. The plan of the cottages or apartments, as may as well call them, is turning out so nice, Hope we will be able to share them with you soon. We suggest you to take a look at the pictures we just posted to this blog. I think they will give a good idea of our updated status.
Please, continue to pray for this work so that it can reach its goal and fulfill its mission, and that God may be glorified through it.
May God continue to bless your life,
In Jesus Christ,
J. Maciel Vieira – Executive Director